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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Power Rangers : Time Force System : Playstation Date Added : 2006-01-26 00:59:42 Views : 22434 Time Trail Fighting Mode: Complete all missions and training room special move tests in single player mode with any Power Ranger. Then, play the game only in Megazord Arena starting through level 1-7. This will make the single player game like a tournament instead of a story. Arena 3: Successfully complete level 3, Peril On the High Seas and its Megazord Arena. Arena 3 will be unlocked and available for two player mode. Fight as Gluto: Successfully complete level 5, Midnight Castle in single player mode with any Power Ranger. Then, defeat him again in Megazord Arena. Gluto will be unlocked and available for two player mode. Fight as Ransik: Successfully complete level 7, The Final Mutation in single player mode with any Power Ranger. Then, defeat him again in Megazord Arena. Ransik will be unlocked and available for two player mode. Fight as Frax: Successfully complete level 6, Coliseum of Frax in single player mode with any Power Ranger. Then, defeat him again in Megazord Arena. Frax will be unlocked and available for two player mode. Arena 4: Successfully complete level 4, The Dawn Of Time and its Megazord Arena. Arena 4 will be unlocked and available for two player mode. Start at final Boss Enter "8QSD" as a password. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Power Rangers : Time Force cheat codes.
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